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3. Software installation on administrator PC

1. App LANGAME Admin installation at one club

1. What installation file looks loke (you can download it via “Help and contacts” from your domain)

  • installLangameAdminConsole.msi


2. Installation order

Start file installLangameAdminConsole.msi and click “Next” everywhere


3. Getting access key

3.1 Login with root access 3.2 «General settings» —> «Clubs parameters»


3.3 Click «Key» on the right in club settings and click “Generate key” in the appeared window.


3.4 Enter the generated key into the window of claim above


3.5 After that, program opens with admin login and password enter window and is ready to use.


2. How to install admin software at several clubs of the same network
  1. If you have several clubs, you have to generate a separate key for each admin app in “General parameters” → “Clubs parameters”. 3 clubs = 3 keys.

    Video “Tab Clubs parameters”:

  2. Video “How to install admin software at two different clubs of the same network”:

Only employees of a standard “Administrator” role work with this board. So, if you see error “Accessible only for administrators”, either you are trying to log in with another role, or your administrator was given additional rights or role.

3. If you have error 401
  • Certificate set wrong
  • Browser not restarted [To restart browser Chrome properly: three dots in the upper right corner → Click Exit in the pop-down menu → On taskbar forbid browser to work in background mode
  • Certificate not selected when going to the site
  • Windows user account was changed on PC

Certificate on gaming, or admin, or manager PC is necessary for connection between PC and cloud server. Without the certificate PC cannot get necessary data and profile access. When attempting login in your profile via browser without certificate, error 401 arises saying authorization is required:


4. App LANGAME Admin update

To update admin software, you need to download update file. You can do that in two ways:

  • Download latest file in the tab «HELP AND CONTACTS».


  • Download latest file in the admin app itself.


  • After successful loading, close the admin app. Start the downloaded file to update software version. When installing, click «Next» everywhere.




  • After update, go to the app. If update was performed in the right way, the field with obsolete app version information disappears.


  • Apart from manual update, while software in operation, «Update alert» may appear. Administrator will get this warning, if admin software needs rebooting to update internal modules. To do so, just click the icon, close the app and open it anew.
