2. Software installation to guest PCs
1. Certificate installation
Certificate on gaming or administrator’s PC is required for connection between PC and cloud server. Without the certificate, PC with LANGAME software cannot receive necessary data and work properly. Without the certificate, PC with LANGAME software cannot receive necessary data and work properly.
If you attempt to log in via browser without certificate, you get error 401 on authorization needed:
To install certificate, you have to start the file with .p12 extension and, step by step, using Windows certificate import wizard, install it.
Select «Current user»:
Then enter password (you can find it in chat with support):
After you enter the password, it is necessary you place the certificate to private storage:
After you click «View», folder “Private” is selected by default, then click «Next»:
Check that string “Certificate storage” indicates folder “Private”:
Then again click «Next» and get a message on successful certificate installation:
After certificate installation, it is necessary to check whether it works correctly. To do so, log in again via browser. Now, if you attempt to go there, you get the notification on authorization based on certificate:
After clicking «OK», you get access to your profile where you have to enter your login and password; that means the certificate was installed successfully.
2. Software installation on PC with disc-architecture
Start file LanGameSetup.msi:
You get the window:
- UUID is a unique PC identifier, stored at motherboard BIOS, does not change. Reset this identifier to another value is extremely difficult and we recommend you do not do it to avoid PC being down.
- Indicate manually – with this parameter, you can indicate any PC manual UUID. Using this step is only necessary if, for example, you have motherboards of low quality that all have the same UUID or if, after unsuccessful using motherboard BIOS, UUID becomes FFFFFFFF-FFFF -FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF
- Enter your administration board address – it is the link to your LANGAME profile.
- CCBOOT the tick is used with CCBoot-based club work without disks only.
- Hard drive freezing module – functions for not to save user actions on PC . Even «destroying» PC actions, such as disk C formatting, miners or viruses installation, etc. After PC reboots and is taken by another guest, all actions of the previous user will not be saved. However, if you need to save changes, you can always set PC to maintenance mode that is designed to install games and apps updates, change operating system parameters, etc.
The tick is set active by default and we highly recommend it.
Before clicking «OK», you need to enter Profile domain
Click «OK», wait for the installation process to complete and then see the process successful completion window
Software installation to gaming PC completes therewith and PC reboots; however, for your safety, you also need to delete redundant files with software installer – place them to bin and then clear it:
- After performing basic PC setting and certificate installation, proceed to LANGAME software installation on gaming PCs.
- Note that when installing software, you need to agree with all Windows warnings and, at the request, install additionally lacking system components, namely, Visual C++. The element is necessary for accurate games and apps performance and in no way is malware.
PC linking at profile for disk architecture
At the next step, you need to link all PCs at Profile for the whole system to work properly. To do so:
Via browser, go to profile domain and log in/sign in with account «root». Standard original password for the account: 123456. You can change the password later.
After authorization, first of all, you need to go to tab «General settings» → «Software configuration»:
Enable parameter «Hard drive freezing»:
Refresh browser page
Open menu «Hard drive freezing»:
If you want to freeze disk C only, you can select respective parameter. In this case, even when disk C formatting by guest, after PC reboot, all data on the disk will be restored.
However, you can choose parameter “No freezing” for other disks. For example, your games are on disk D. Then, if a guest deletes some games or installs his/her apps, these changes are saved after PC reboot. We recommend using this setting binding
“Monitoring of non-legitimate maintenance mode” is necessary to prevent PC accidentally coming to maintenance mode. If PC was brought to maintenance mode not via domain, then, with the parameter on, it reboots again and leaves maintenance mode.
Next, go to tab «PC types in clubs». Here you indicate all «PC zones» («PC types») to separate them by price. You can add, delete or change names of PC types:
Go to tab «Clubs parameters». There you can find your club standardly named «My center». You need to click edit icon on the right:
Change the club name to what you want, for example, to Test; besides, with ticks, select types needed for your club in tab «PC types»:
After that, click «Save» on the right.
Then you need to go to tab «PC binding by type».
Here you can see all PCs with software installed via LanGameSetup.exe.
For a PC to appear in the club map, you need to enter parameters for each PC with a unique UUID by clicking «Edit»:
Change parameters, where:
Check whether binding is successful. To do so, go to tab «All centers online»:
Select your club and there you can see recently linked PC (number “228” in this case) in the club map
This PC is now in maintenance mode – it is the mode when lock screen is unblocked. To put the PC out of maintenance mode, click « Technical stop » (maintenance stop):
After PC reboots, disks freeze, PC goes to “Free” state
3. Software installation to PC with non-disk architecture