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1. Preliminary PC setting

Primary setting
  • When preparing for Windows installation, format hard drives on gaming PCs and administrator’s PC, you can do that at «Where to install Windows?» step by deleting all sections and creating new ones.
  • Install clear Windows 10 Pro operating system (OS)
    • Do not use ready-made Windows assemblies in computer clubs.
    • We recommend you use the Windows image downloadable from the official site or made via Media Creation Tool, Microsoft, or use auxiliary resources, such as
  • Perform preliminary Windows setting, create a local account and set a password for it before going to the home screen
  • Install to PC the games and apps to be accessible for administrator and guests; it is forbidden to use antivirus programs as they may have a negative impact on the software performance.
    • You may also perform this step after software installation in maintenance mode
Install all updates via in-built Windows Update:
  • Click “Start” with the right mouse button and choose «Parameters» in the menu, or press keys Windows and I on the keyboard simultaneously
  • Select «Updates and safety», «Windows update center» window pops up and then check if there are any updates by clicking «Check for updates»; install all updates and follow OS prompts – reboot after installation completion needed.
  • After the reboot, enter «Updates and safety» again, click «Additional parameters», enable “Get updates for other Microsoft products when Windows is updated” in the update options and go back to «Update and safety».
  • Check for updates again by clicking «Check for updates» and install all updates
    • Check if “View non-necessary updates” is present; if it is available under «Check for updates», click the blue «View non-necessary updates» text and tick all the tips in «Non-necessary updates» in front of drivers and other updates; “Download and install” will appear below
  • Perform updates installation until «You have all the latest updates installed» appears and until there are no updates when clicking «Check for updates»
  • Suspend Windows updates for the longest time by clicking «Suspend updates for 7 days»; the longest suspension time is 35 days
  • When the time expires, we recommend you to update Windows again by clicking «Resume updates» and suspend updates for 35 days after the update.
Disable UAC Windows accounts control:
  • Click «Start» and write: « uac », the search window outputs «Change accounts control parameters » and click «Open»
  • In the opened window, select OS change notification level so that operation confirmation notifications do not appear, select the lowest «Do not notify me» one, and confirm the operation by clicking «OK»; in the opened window, confirm the operation for the last time
Disable «Windows safety»:
  • Click “Start” with the right mouse button and choose “Parameters” in the menu, or press keys Windows and I on the keyboard simultaneously
  • Choose «Update and safety», «Windows updates center» appears, choose “Windows safety” on the left, and click «Open «Windows safety» service»
  • In the opened window, choose “Virus and spyware protection” on the left or in the middle
  • Find «Virus and spyware protection parameters» and click «Settings management»
  • Disable «Real-time protection»
  • Disable «Cloud protection», «Send samples automatically», «Anti-fake protection»
  • Find «Notifications» below and click «Change notifications parameters»
  • With switches, disable all notifications, namely «Get information notifications», «Get account protection notifications», «Notify if Microsoft Defender firewall blocks a new app»
  • Choose “Firewall and network safety” on the left in the menu, choose «Domain network», and switch «Microsoft Defender firewall» off
  • Choose “Firewall and network safety” on the left in the menu, choose «Private network», and switch «Microsoft Defender firewall» off
  • Choose “Firewall and network safety” on the left in the menu, choose «Public network», and switch «Microsoft Defender firewall» off
  • Choose “Apps/browser management” on the left in the menu, click the blue “Reputation-based protection parameters” text in «Reputation-based protection», disable «Check for apps and files», «SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge» and «SmartScreen for Microsoft Store apps»
Windows group policies editing:
  • Press keys Windows and R on the keyboard to open the «Perform» dialog window. Here, you can see type : gpedit.msc; press Enter or click «OK» to open group policy editor
  • Go to «Administrative templates», «Windows components», «Microsoft Defender Antivirus»
  • Find «Turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus», click it twice, and choose “Enabled” and confirm “OK” in the window appeared
    • It is important you select “Enabled” as the option implies enabling of defender disabling according to Windows logic
  • Find «Real-time protection», click it twice and look for «Turn off real-time protection»
    • It is important you select “Enabled” as the option implies enabling of defender disabling according to Windows logic
  • On the left in the menu, choose «Computer configuration» - «Windows settings» - «Security settings» - «Local policies» - «User rights assignment», find «Access this computer from the network», open it, delete all users and click «OK»; confirmation window of change operation appears; confirm by clicking «OK»
Notifications disabling:
  • Click «Start» and start typing «Safety and maintenance center», the search window outputs «Safety and maintenance center», click “Open”
  • On the left in the menu, choose «Change parameters of the «Safety and maintenance center» component»
  • Disable all available message types and click «OK»
  • On the left in the menu, you can check accounts control parameters in the section «Change of account control parameters» or disable accounts control if step 2 of the manual was left out
Power management – «High performance»:
  • Click «Start» and type: «Power»; search outputs «Select power management scheme»; in the menu opened, click «Show additional schemes» and select «High performance»
  • To the right of «High performance», click the blue «Electric supply scheme setting» text
  • At «Disable display» parameter, choose «Never» and «Save changes»
    • If clubs have hard drives on gaming PCs installed, click the blue «Change additional power parameters» text and, at «Hard drive» - «Disable hard drive in», select 0 and click «OK»
    • If clubs have hard drives on gaming PCs installed, click «Start» and type: «Optimization»; search outputs «Оптимизация дисков»; click «Run as administrator», find «Change parameters» and clear all check boxes in order to disable optimization; then click «OK»
Visual C Runtimes packet installation:
  • Download the packet via the link: Visual-C-Runtimes-All-in-One-Jul-2022
  • Unzip the packet to the home screen
  • Go to the folder, click «install_all» file with the right mouse button and run as administrator
  • After installation is completed, delete the files downloaded and the folder from the home screen
Files OFF_ALL and ON_ALL:
  • Download files to the home screen via the link: off-all и On-update

    • OFF_all – is a .BAT-file that Windows update center replaces for Windows not to find OS updates, and, via the register, disables various OS parameters that prevent optimal gaming PC performance; besides, there is an ONupdate file that resets standard Windows update settings

    Go to the fold where the files were downloaded to (home screen); and click «OFF_all» with the right mouse button and start as administrator

  • Click «OFF_all» twice and agree to change in the register by clicking «Yes»

  • Windows offers to reboot in order to apply system changes

  • Reboot Windows

Automatic Windows logging in:
  • Download «Devicepassword» to the home screen via the link: devicepassword
    • Devicepassword - is a .REG-file that enables automatic logging in via the register
  • Click «Devicepassword» twice and agree to change in the register by clicking «Yes»
  • Press keys Windows and R on the keyboard to open «Perform» dialog window, type: control userpasswords2 and press Enter or click «OK»
  • Find «Require user name and password» and untick it, then click «Apply»
  • In the window opened, enter the account password twice and click «OK»
  • Confirm the changes by clicking «OK»
PC name setting:
  • Click «Start» with the right mouse button and select «System» in the menu
  • Find «Rename the PC», click it and give a name, for example, «PC1», as the name must be in English
  • Confirm the procedure by clicking «Next»; when a reboot request appears, perform it.
Router Mikrotik setting, PC static IP-address setting:
  • Access to Mikrotik router needed, namely IP address, loging, and password
  • Download the latest version for Mikrotik management, Winbox, to the home screen via the link:
  • Find and start app: «Winbox.exe» and enter the data of claim 12.1:
    • Field «Connect To:» type IP address
    • Field «Login:» type login
    • Field «Password:» type password
    • Click «Connect»
  • On the left in the menu, find «IP» - «DHCP Server» and go to tab «Leases»
  • In field «Active Host Name», find the PC’s name of claim 10 of the manual, click the PC name with the right mouse button, and click «Make Static» from the drop-down menu
    • If setting several PCs simultaneously, you can select all necessary PCs by holding «SHIFT», after that select one marked PC with the right mouse button, and click «Make Static» from the drop-down menu
    • If you click the PC name string twice again, you will be able to change the device IP address at field «Address:», if needed according to your network building logic, for example, so that IP address of each PC ends with its number.
    • Reboot PC being edited to apply the new IP address; if the IP address was not changed, no reboot is needed
  • Close «Winbox» by clicking the cross on the right above
  • After the procedure, IP address in the network will be linked to the certain PC name and to its MAC address; the procedure allows Langame PC blocker to operate stably and connect to PCs remotely via remote access programs and other network services
PC static IP-address setting in the absence of Mikrotik:
  • Press keys Windows and R on the keyboard to open «Perform» dialog window, type: « ncpa.cpl » and click Enter or «OK»
  • Click the network adapter needed twice (check adapter speed, recommended network speed at a computer club is 1 Gbps) and click «Information»
  • Write down or remember values in network connection information:
    • Address IPv4 – for example, 19168.1.99
    • Subnet mask IPv4 - for example,
    • Default gateway IPv4 – for example,
    • DNS server IPv4 - for example,
    • Close the window by clicking «Close»
  • Click «Features» below
  • In the list, find and select «IP version 4 (TCP /IPv4) and click «Features»
  • Select «Use the IP address» and fill in fields:
    • IP address is «Address IPv4» of claim 11.3.1
    • Subnetwork mask is «Subnetwork mask IPv4» of claim 11.3.2
    • Main gateway is «Default gateway IPv4» of claim 11.3.3
    • DNS server preferred is DNS server IPv4 of claim 11.3.4
      • Sometimes, for different games and apps, it is necessary to set, for preferred and alternative DNS servers, IP addresses DNS Google и, respectively.
    • Save changes by clicking «OK»
    • Close all open network setting windows by clicking «Close»
    • Check network and the Internet on PC by entering browser
    • Reboot PC and check for Internet availability again
Installation NVIDIA or AMD drivers:
  • Specify videocard model in PC
  • Go to NVIDIA or AMD videochip manufacturer site:
    • - there is a green «Download» icon there; after the file loading and starting, GeForce Experience app will be installed via which you can update drivers; we recommend you create another NVIDIA account to enter the app. It is easier to update drivers via the app.
    • – here you have to select Videocard type, Videokard series, Videocard family, and click «Search»; after page opens, click «Download now»; after file loading and starting, you will be offered to unpack the archive and then installation will start where you can select whether to set driver only or driver and GeForce Experience. NVIDIA manual
    • - there is «Download now» icon after «Automatic installation and search for driver updates for Radeon graphics and Ryzen chipsets for Windows» here; after file loading and starting, you will be prompted to unpack the archive and there will appear a window where you can select driver; we recommend set the driver with «Recommended Driver»; the program downloads and installs the update by itself. AMD manual
  • Reboot PC after driver installation for videocards